"Min. 5% OFF Competitor's Price" Promotion Details:
"Min. 5% OFF" price beat is a limited time promotion for new-build single-family detached, duplex, and multiplex homes only.
To qualify for the offer, a genuine price quote in a written form (i.e. in paper or email) from a legitimate competitor must be provided for verification. The written price quote document must display clearly:
The names of the company and the sales/associate who issued the quote;
The phone number of the company and/or the sales/associate who issued the quote;
The date when the quote was issued;
The project address;
The price quote(s) for the type of services proposed;
Once the competitor's price quote is verified, and is deemed qualified by us, we will then issue you a formal quote with a guaranteed price at least 5% lower than the competitor's.
Please email your "5% OFF Price Beat" request to: info@pragmatichomes.ca
專業設計顧問為您精心規劃, 打造您理想的家園!
Your dream home, your ideas! Let us help you to make it come true!
You're in the driver seat, and we're your navigator! Show us a sketch of your bright ideas, and we'll do our best to fit them into your design. You are the DESIGNER, and we are your CONSULTANT.
New customers MUST message first before you call !
Because we don't answer calls from numbers we don't recognize.
进来诈骗电话太多,除非认识的号码,否则不接。新客户欢迎先填寫下方的表格跟我们取得联系。谢谢!(中/英文 皆可。)
We are a licensed, insured consulting firm lead by a registered Professional Engineer in BC, providing housing and property development services to the local communities.
Started in 2016, we designed and drafted house plans for people who want to build new or renovate their homes, and helped them to obtain the necessary city permits from the local building authorities. Today, our business has expanded to offer more services, including:
Applying for Building Permits for new residential houses;
Applying for Addition/Interior Alteration/Tenant Improvement Permits for residential/commercial/industrial properties;
Applying for new/change to the water/sewer/drainage Site Service Permits;
Applying for Watercourse Crossing/Ditch In-fill/Driveway construction Permits;
Applying for Masonry Fence construction Permits;
Applying for property Rezoning and Land Development Permits;
创立于2016, 由BC省正式注册牌照的结构工程师带领,本公司主要提供在申请 新屋建造许可 或 旧屋翻修许可 时所需要的设计图纸。我们现在也提供其他服务,包括:
申请 住宅新屋建造许可;
申请 住宅工商业室内外翻修许可;
申请 自来水污水排雨水公共服务许可;
申请 填沟渠开新车道许可;
申请 建造砖石围墙许可;
申请 用地变和更土地开发许可;
We distinguish our custom home design service from the rest of the industry by offering the following:
360° preview of your custom-design house in advance computer 3D model available 24-7 directly on our website. Visualize your dream home in great detail, and it's also a valuable tool to help spot problems during the design phase! Please visit our "3D Models" page here to browse our past projects.
Real-time and accurate opinions to your toughest questions from a professional structural engineer during your house plan design right from the start. No more wishy-washy answers to questions like "Can I remove that post in the middle of the open space?", "Can I remove this wall between the two rooms?", or "Can I have a balcony without posts underneath?", etc. Our structural engineer can answer you precisely Yes or No and how to make it work right there and now!
No additional cost for the design revisions if it's our fault, including structural revisions! Typically when a house plan is rejected by the City's Building Department due to design flaws, a design revision will be required, and often it includes revision to both the architectural plan and the structural plan. When you bundle both the architectural & structural design with us, revisions including both plans will be free of charge. To learn more, please visit our "News/Updates" page here.
It's unbelievable how much spam/scam phone calls we get nowadays, and with the Caller-ID spoofing technology (check out the SCAM ALERT banner at the top of the page), there's no telling it's legit or fake when the phone's ringing.
Our office policy regarding phone calls are:
If we pick up a call, and there's a robot voice or recorded message coming from the other end, we hang up;
If we pick up a call, and it's silent on the other end, we hang up. (So please make sure you, the caller, make a sound first even if you don't hear greetings from our side, because it's our proprietor "Silent Scam Detector" trying to determine if the call is legit.)
We just hang up if the caller-ID shows "Private Number". (So please don't hide your number.)
We just hang up if the caller-ID shows a non-local area code. (Currently we don't carry any business outside of Metro Vancouver.)
So the best way to get in touch with us is actually by:
Send us your question with the online form at the bottom of this page.
Please be sure to include a description. It can be brief or detailed, but must be concise. (i.e. "Building a new laneway home, and looking for a quote.", "Adding a new rental suite, how much do you charge for design?", "Looking to infill the ditch in front of our home. What's the permit process?")
Any vague, empty / unconcise message will be ignored. (i.e. "Hi. Please call me back.")
Thank you, and we look forward to be at your service.
进来诈骗电话太多,除非认识的号码,否则不接。新客户欢迎先填寫下方的表格跟我们取得联系。谢谢!(中/英文 皆可。)
Please contact us at least 48 hours in advance to schedule for an engineer's inspection.
Important: Please ensure work is substantially complete for the type of inspection you are requesting, to avoid unnecessary re-visits and extra charges.
Contact: Griffen Yu, P.Eng. (结构工程师 + 建築設計顧問)
Voice mail only: (604) 283-7984
Email: info@pragmatichomes.ca