We create a 360° computer model for every new home we've designed, to help our customers, builders, and contractors better visualize the finished house, and as a true-to-scale 3D model for accurate cross-referencing with the 2D house plans on paper.

Click on each tab below to see the list of new homes designed by us in that city, and then click on a specific address to see the 3D model of that house in a new page. Use the back button of your internet browser to return to this index page.

本公司采用3D绘图技术,为所有本公司设计的新屋项目,构建360° 的房屋模型。提供给 客户商,及施工团队们 一个视觉上的实体模型,方便于对照2D纸上蓝图不易表达的细节。

点击以下各城镇的标题,来展开本公司在该城镇设计过的项目。点击各别项目的地址,会进入该项目的页面查看其360° 的房屋模型。请用您浏览器的退回键 来回到这目录页。

Vancouver, BC

New Westminster, BC